Your clicshirt is a connected teeshirt that connects to a mobile app to view all the data captured in your cardiobox clipped to your smart teeshirt.

To track your performance in real time don't forget to download the free Clicshirt app on your mobile and activate your clicshirt before heading out to train.

Listen to the beat of your clickshirt!

Then easily select your running, bike or fitness training.

Listen to your cardio coach and track your performance during the race.

Pilot your cardio workouts to progress safely regardless of your age.

View your cardio and sports training reports at the end of your workouts.

Consult all your sports training reports: Real-time ECG, heart rate variability and R-R Interval, Powerbar, VMA Test, Vo2Max Calculation, fatigue rate, osteostatic test, speed, distance, course map, pace, personal best, elevation gain, falls, last 30 days history.

Improve your cardio performance

Calculate your Vo2 max and also your recovery rate.

For any technical question about the features of the Clicshirt app, contact